03. Apr 2024.

Our systems speak for us: Expansion of Elmed business in the territory of the Republic of Croatia

Our expertise has been widened to the Republic of Croatia, where we already have several successful projects behind us! We are proud of the project we worked on for the Croatian Institute for Transfusion Medicine.

It is a system for labelling cylindrical products in the pharmaceutical industry that helps to improve the client's production processes.

"We would highlight this system as one of many that we have worked on as part of our strategic decision to expand our operations to the Croatian market. We believe that the constant introduction of innovations in the sales segment is one of the most important factors affecting the growth of the company. Our systems are our reference and that is what helps us to follow the growth of our company and continue to build a good foundation in the territory of our region."


– Dejan Nojković, Deputy CEO, Elmed

System for Labelling Cylindrical Products in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The functionality of this system can be divided into four large parts.

Transport part

In the video below, you can notice that at the very entrance, we have a product separator to separate the products so that they do not pile up and destroy each other.

Product marking (labelling and coding)

We installed a Herma 500 labeller for labelling cylindrical products and a Domino V230i printer, which uses Thermal Transfer printing technology and can print variable data, barcodes, and logos in print quality of 300 dpi.

Inspection system

We have a Pharma code reader, which checks the content and presence of the barcode on the product.

Product rejection

The system has the option of rejecting products where the label is improperly applied or not applied at all.

Automation for all

By innovating the production program and constantly investing in the education of our employees, we strive to provide the end user with the highest quality and most modern solution in the field of coding and marking, labelling, product traceability, product inspection, production automation, as well as the production of colour, blank or premium labels, which will make it easier for them to achieve their success.

Our clients choose us based on knowledge, quality and reliability, and we are always ready to advise them on the best way to automate their production and improve production processes. All you have to do is contact us. :)

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