
Etiketiranje koje će vas oduševiti!

The Mx350i-B is a compact and cost-effective model that offers high-quality, contactless labelling for both stationary and moving products.

With all the advantages of the Mx-Series, the Mx350i-B is an ideal solution for applications requiring high speeds, products with uneven surfaces, or fragile products.

Easy to integrate

  • The Mx350i-B print and apply solution has one of the
    most compact footprints available on the market and
    left- and right-hand variants, for effortless integration into
    existing production lines.
  • The advanced connectivity options enable smooth
    integration with ERP, WMS, and MES systems within your

Easy to use

  • The Mx350i-B is designed for user-friendliness, featuring an
    integrated UI and an optional remote 10-inch touchscreen,
    for easy operation.
  • The durable design and intelligent functionality reduce the
    time required for maintenance and media changes, allowing
    you to maximise production uptime.

Easy to adapt

  • Mx350i-B is highly configurable, providing numerous
    options to enhance and streamline your labelling processes.
  • The equipment is designed for longevity to provide longterm service, while its adaptability means it can be adjusted
    to suit changing labelling requirements without expensive

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